कदाचित्कालिन्दी तट विपिनसङ्गीततरलो
मुदाभीरीनारीवदन कमलास्वादमधुपः ।
रमाशम्भुब्रह्मामरपति गणेशार्चितपदो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयनपथगामी भवतुमे ॥१॥
Kadahit Kalindi tatta vipina sangita taralo
Mudaa abhiri Naarivadana Kamalasvada madhupah |
Ramaa Shambhu Brahmaamarapati Ganesharchita pado
Jagannathah Swami nayana pathagaami bhavatu me ||1||
1.1 I meditate on Sri Jagannatha, Who fills the environment of Vrindavana on the banks of river Kalindi (Yamuna) with the Music (of His Flute); The Music which waves and flows gently (like the waving blue waters of river Yamuna itself),
1.2: (There) like a Black Bee Who enjoys the blooming Lotuses (in the form) of the blooming Faces ( Joyful with Bliss ) of the Cowherd Women,
1.3: Whose Lotus Feet is always Worshipped by Ramaa (Devi Lakshmi), Shambhu (Shiva), Brahma, the Lord of the Devas (i.e. Indra Deva) and Sri Ganesha,
1.4: May that Jagannath Swami be the center of my Vision (inner and outer) ( wherever my Eyes go ).
भुजे सव्ये वेणुं शिरसि शिखिपिच्छं कटितटे
दुकूलं नेत्रान्ते सहचरकटाक्षं च विदधत् ।
सदा श्रीमद्वृन्दावनवसतिलीला परिचयो
जगन्नाथः स्वामी नयनपथगामी भवतु मे ॥२॥
Bhuje Save Vennum Shirazi Shikhi_Piccham Kattitatte
Dukuulam Netra-Ante Sahacara_Kattaakssam Ca Vidadhat |
Sadaa Shriimad-Vrndaavana_Vasati_Liilaa_Paricayo
Jagannatha Svaamii Nayana_Patha_Gaamii Bhavatu Me ||2||
2.1 (I meditate on Sri Jagannatha) Who has a Flute on His Left Hand and wears the Feather of a Peacock over His Head; And wraps over His Hips …
2.2: … fine silken Clothes; Who bestows Side-Glances to His Companions from the corner of His Eyes,
2.3: Who always reveals His Divine Leelas abiding in the forest of Vrindavana; the forest which is filled with Sri (Divine presence amidst the beauty of Nature),
2.4: May that Jagannath Swami is the center of my Vision (inner and outer) ( wherever my Eyes go ).