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HinduFAQs blog is a great platform for engaging conversations about Hindu culture and religion. If you have interesting insights and amazing stories on Hinduism, Indian Culture, we’d like to share them with our community.

Ravana - Hindu FAQs

The Dont's

We will not accept the article if it comes under any of the below point.

Knowledge of Hinduism And Indian Culture Is Important

We handle a very sensitive topic and for that we need our collaborators to have complete knowledge of Hinduism and Indian Culture

We do not encourage personal opinions

HinduFAQs blog focus on sharing knowledge rather than opinions. Personal opinions are a strict NO for us

We do not encourage any kind of Political Agendas

We are not promoting any political agendas. Our goal is simple, we try to share knowledge to masses. Political stands are a strict NO.

Keep the tone simple, No comparison with other ideologies.

We are not here to prove how Hinduism is the greatest religion. We are here to share knowledge. We will not accept any post which compares the ideologies with any other religion or community.

No Madeup stories, No stories from whatsapp university

We make sure all the articles and stories on this platform are verified. That they exist in the culture and are not made up.

This Idol of lord Ganesh signifies Purushartha

Type Of Articles We Accept

  1. Articles In form Of Question and Answers.
  2. List type Articles (Top 10 biggest statues, 5 Tallest, 3 Largest… Etc.)
  3. Facts and Myths
  4. Stories
  5. Series Articles (Mahabharata Series, Ramayana Series.. etc.)
  6. Festival and their importance.
  7. Significance of X (Significance of hindu swastika, of Prasadam.. Etc.)

Submit Your Article here

Disclaimer: We don’t pay for any articles. Its free platform where you can share an article if you wish to. Credits will be given with a nofollow tag.

You can frame an article and send us. If you have a youtube video on hinduism, you can send us.

Ps: No extreme and regressive content. Will be rejected immediately