
ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

Stotras of Gurudeva

ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

Stotras of Gurudeva

These are the Stotras of Lord Gurudeva who was a very powerful deity. Worshipping him my bring great fortune to people out of prayers.
भवसागर तारण कारण हे ।
रविनन्दन बन्धन खण्डन हे ॥
शरणागत किंकर भीत मने ।
गुरुदेव दया करो दीनजने ॥१॥

Bhava-Saagara Taaranna Kaaranna He |
Ravi-Nandana Bandhana Khannddana He ||
Sharannaagata Kinkara Bhiita Mane |
Gurudeva Dayaa Karo Diina-Jane ||1||Meaning:

1.1: (I salute the Gurudeva) Who is the (only) means of crossing this Ocean of Samsara (Worldly Existence),
1.2: (Who is the only means of) Breaking the Bondage of the Son of the Sun God (i.e. Yamadeva, the god of Death),
1.3: I have approached You as a Servant, for Your Refuge, with a Mind filled with the Fear (of the never-ending Samsara) …
1.4: … O Gurudeva, Please shower Your Mercy on me, (Please shower Your Grace on this) Helpless soul,
Source: Pinterest
हृदिकन्दर तामस भास्कर हे ।
तुमि विष्णु प्रजापति शंकर हे ॥
परब्रह्म परात्पर वेद भणे ।
गुरुदेव दया करो दीनजने ॥२॥

Hrdi-Kandara Taamasa Bhaaskara He |
Tumi Vissnnu Prajaapati Shankara He ||
Parabrahma Paraatpara Veda Bhanne |
Gurudeva Dayaa Karo Diina-Jane ||2||Meaning:

2.1: (I salute the Gurudeva) Who dispels the darkness (of Ignorance) by illuminating the cave of the Heart (with Spiritual Knowledge),
2.2: (O my Lord) You are VishnuPrajapati (Brahma) and Shankara (in essence),
2.3: (And) the Vedas declare You as the Supreme Brahman greater than everything,
2.4: O Gurudeva, Please shower Your Mercy on me, (Please shower Your Grace on this), Helpless soul
मनवारण शासन अंकुश हे ।
नरत्राण तरे हरि चाक्षुष हे ॥
गुणगान परायण देवगणे ।
गुरुदेव दया करो दीनजने ॥३॥

Mana-Vaaranna Shaasana Ankusha He |
Nara-Traanna Tare Hari Caakssussa He ||
Gunna-Gaana Paraayanna Deva-Ganne |
Gurudeva Dayaa Karo Diina-Jane ||3||Meaning:

3.1: (I salute the Gurudeva) Who is the Ankusha (Hook) restraining the Mind (from getting attached to the World),
3.2: Who is the visible Hari protecting Man (from getting immersed in the Ocean of Samsara) and carrying them across,
3.3: The Devas are intent upon singing the praises of Your Divine Qualities,
3.4: O Gurudeva, Please shower Your Mercy on me, (Please shower Your Grace on this), Helpless soul
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ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

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