Shambhu, this name of Lord Shankar indicates his blissful personality. He assumes the form of gross elements during playful moments.
नमामि देवं परमव्ययंतं
उमापतिं लोकगुरुं नमामि ।
नमामि दारिद्रविदारणं तं
नमामि रोगापहरं नमामि ॥२॥
उमापतिं लोकगुरुं नमामि ।
नमामि दारिद्रविदारणं तं
नमामि रोगापहरं नमामि ॥२॥
Namaami Devam Param-Avyayam-Tam
Umaa-Patim Loka-Gurum Namaami |
Namaami Daaridra-Vidaarannam Tam
Namaami Roga-Apaharam Namaami ||2||
Umaa-Patim Loka-Gurum Namaami |
Namaami Daaridra-Vidaarannam Tam
Namaami Roga-Apaharam Namaami ||2||
2.1 I reverentially bow down to the Divine Lord Who abides as the unchangeable state beyond the human mind,
2.2: To that Lord Who is also embodied as the consort of Devi Uma, and Who is the Spiritual Teacher of the whole World, I reverentially bow down,
2.3: I reverentially bow down to Him Who tears asunder our (inner) Poverties (He being present as our most Glorious Inner Being),
2.4: (And) I reverentially bow down to Him Who takes away our Diseases (of Samsara) (by revealing His Glorious Nature).
2.2: To that Lord Who is also embodied as the consort of Devi Uma, and Who is the Spiritual Teacher of the whole World, I reverentially bow down,
2.3: I reverentially bow down to Him Who tears asunder our (inner) Poverties (He being present as our most Glorious Inner Being),
2.4: (And) I reverentially bow down to Him Who takes away our Diseases (of Samsara) (by revealing His Glorious Nature).
नमामि कल्याणमचिन्त्यरूपं
नमामि विश्वोद्ध्वबीजरूपम् ।
नमामि विश्वस्थितिकारणं तं
नमामि संहारकरं नमामि ॥३॥
नमामि विश्वोद्ध्वबीजरूपम् ।
नमामि विश्वस्थितिकारणं तं
नमामि संहारकरं नमामि ॥३॥
Namaami Kalyaannam-Acintya-Ruupam
Namaami Vishvo[a-U]ddhva-Biija-Ruupam |
Namaami Vishva-Sthiti-Kaarannam Tam
Namaami Samhaara-Karam Namaami ||3||
3.1: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is the cause of all Auspiciousness, (ever present behind the mind) in His Inconceivable form,
3.2: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Whose form is like the seed giving rise to the Universe,
3.3: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is also the cause of the maintenance of the Universe,
3.4: (And) I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is (finally) the destroyer (of the Universe).
3.2: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Whose form is like the seed giving rise to the Universe,
3.3: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is also the cause of the maintenance of the Universe,
3.4: (And) I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is (finally) the destroyer (of the Universe).
नमामि गौरीप्रियमव्ययं तं
नमामि नित्यंक्षरमक्षरं तम् ।
नमामि चिद्रूपममेयभावं
त्रिलोचनं तं शिरसा नमामि ॥४॥
नमामि नित्यंक्षरमक्षरं तम् ।
नमामि चिद्रूपममेयभावं
त्रिलोचनं तं शिरसा नमामि ॥४॥
Namaami Gaurii-Priyam-Avyayam Tam
Namaami Nityam-Kssaram-Akssaram Tam |
Namaami Cid-Ruupam-Ameya-Bhaavam
Tri-Locanam Tam Shirasaa Namaami ||4||
4.1: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is dear to Gauri (Devi Parvati) and unchangeable (which also signifies that Shiva and Shakti are inseparably connected),
4.2: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is Eternal, and Who is the One Imperishable behind all the perishable,
4.3: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is of the nature of Consciousness and Whose Meditative State (symbolizing the all-pervading consciousness) is immeasurable,
4.4: To that Lord Who has Three Eyes, I reverentially bow down.
4.2: I reverentially bow down to Him Who is Eternal, and Who is the One Imperishable behind all the perishable,
4.3: I reverentially bow down (to Him) Who is of the nature of Consciousness and Whose Meditative State (symbolizing the all-pervading consciousness) is immeasurable,
4.4: To that Lord Who has Three Eyes, I reverentially bow down.
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