ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

Shlokas on Devi Bhuvaneshwari

ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

Shlokas on Devi Bhuvaneshwari

Hinduism Symbols- Tilak (Tikka)- A symbolic mark worn on the forehead by followers of Hinduism - HD Wallpaper - Hindufaqs

Bhuvaneshwari (Sanskrit: भुवनेश्वरी) is the fourth amongst the ten Mahavidya goddesses and an aspect of Devi or Durga


तुङ्गकुचां नयनत्रययुक्ताम् ।
स्मेरमुखीं वरदाङ्कुशपाशां_
ऽभीतिकरां प्रभजे भुवनेशीम् ॥१॥

Tungga-Kucaam Nayana-Traya-Yuktaam |
Smera-Mukhiim Varada-Angkusha-Paashaam_
Abhiiti-Karaam Prabhaje Bhuvaneshiim ||1||

Source: Pinterest

1.1: (Salutations to Devi Bhuvaneswari) Who has the Splendour of the Rising Sun of the Day, and Who holds the Moon on Her Crown like an Ornament.
1.2: Who has High Breasts and Three Eyes (containing the Sun, Moon and the Fire),
1.3: Who has a Smiling Face and shows the Vara Mudra (Boon-Giving gesture), holds an Ankusha (a Hook) and a Pasha (a Noose), …
1.4 … and displays the Abhaya Mudra (gesture of Fearlessness) with Her HandsSalutations to Devi Bhuvaneswari.


सिन्दूरारुणविग्रहां त्रिनयनां माणिक्यमौलिस्फुरत् ।
तारानायकशेखरां स्मितमुखीमापीनवक्षोरुहाम् ॥
पाणिभ्यामलिपूर्णरत्नचषकं संविभ्रतीं शाश्वतीं ।
सौम्यां रत्नघटस्थमध्यचरणां द्यायेत्परामम्बिकाम् ॥२॥

Sinduura-Arunna-Vigrahaam Tri-Nayanaam Maannikya-Mauli-Sphurat |
Taaraa-Naayaka-Shekharaam Smita-Mukhiim-Aapiina-Vakssoruhaam ||
Paannibhyaam-Ali-Puurnna-Ratna-Cassakam Sam-Vibhratiim Shaashvatiim |
Saumyaam Ratna-Ghattastha-Madhya-Carannaam Dyaayet-Paraam-Ambikaam ||2||


2.1: (Salutations to Devi Bhuvaneswari) Whose Beautiful Form has the Reddish Glow of the Early Morning Sun; Who has Three Eyes and Whose Head Glitters with the Ornament of Gems,
2.2: Who Holds the Chief of Star (i.e. the Moon) on Her Head, Who has a Smiling Face and Full Bosom,
2.3: Who Holds a Gem-studded Cup filled with Divine Liquor on Her Hands, and Who is Eternal,
2.4: Who is Cool and Joyful, and rests Her Feet on a Pitcher filled with Jewels; We Meditate on the Supreme Ambika (Supreme Mother).

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