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ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

Stotra on Sri Venkateswara

ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

Stotra on Sri Venkateswara

Lord Venkateswara is the main deity of the Tirumala temple, Tirupathi. The lord is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.


कौसल्या सुप्रजा राम पूर्वासन्ध्या प्रवर्तते ।
उत्तिष्ठ नरशार्दूल कर्त्तव्यं दैवमाह्निकम् ॥१॥


Kausalyaa Su-Prajaa Raama Puurvaa-Sandhyaa Pravartate |
Uttissttha Nara-Shaarduula Karttavyam Daivam-Aahnikam ||1||


1.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) O Rama, the most Excellent Son of Kaushalya; in the East the Dawn is fast approaching at this Beautiful juncture of Night and Day,
1.2: Please Wake Up in Our Hearts, O Purushottama (the Best of Men ) so that we can perform our Daily Duties as Divine Rituals unto You and thus do the Ultimate Duty of our lives.


उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ गोविन्द उत्तिष्ठ गरुडध्वज ।
उत्तिष्ठ कमलाकान्त त्रैलोक्यं मङ्गलं कुरु ॥२॥


Uttissttho[ah-U]ttissttha Govinda Uttissttha Garudda-Dhvaja |
Uttissttha Kamalaa-Kaanta Trai-Lokyam Manggalam Kuru ||2||


2.1: (Salutations to Sri Govinda) In this Beautiful Dawn Wake UpWake Up O Govinda within Our Hearts. Wake Up O the One with Garuda in His Flag,
2.2: Please Wake Up, O Beloved of Kamala and fill the Hearts of the Devotees in the Three Worlds with the Auspicious Bliss of Your Presence.

Source: Pinterest


मातस्समस्तजगतां मधुकैटभारेः
वक्षोविहारिणि मनोहरदिव्यमूर्ते ।
श्रीस्वामिनि श्रितजनप्रियदानशीले
श्रीवेङ्कटेशदयिते तव सुप्रभातम् ॥३॥


Maatas-Samasta-Jagataam Madhu-Kaittabha-Areh
Vaksso-Vihaarinni Manohara-Divya-Muurte |
Shrii-Svaamini Shrita-Janapriya-Daanashiile
Shrii-Vengkattesha-Dayite Tava Suprabhaatam ||3||


3.1 (Salutations to Divine Mother Lakshmi) In this Beautiful Dawn, O Mother of all the Worlds, Let Our Inner enemies Madhu and Kaitabha disappear,
3.2: And Let us only see Your Beautiful Divine Form playing within the Heart of Sri Govinda in the entire Creation,
3.3: You are worshipped as the Lord of all the Worlds and extremely Dear to the Devotees, and Your Liberal Disposition has created such Abundance of Creation,
3.4: Such is Your Glory that this Beautiful Dawn of Your Creation is being cherished by Sri Venkatesa Himself.

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ॐ गं गणपतये नमः

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